Best. Week. Ever.

It was my birthday on Tuesday, and it was smashing (another shout-out to those who made it so). As a whole, #37 was pretty dang good. And the first week of my New Year that promises to be even better has been the best. week. ever. (Well, best ever so far in #38.)

What made last week so great? A few big things … like the incredibly thoughtful and touching way my colleagues helped me celebrate my birthday, the *awesome* presents from my family (exactly what I wanted), and making it to the final phase of an intense strategic planning process at work.

But it wasn’t just the big things. It was the small things, too. An unexpected brown paper package not tied up with string, but definitely full of love. A play date this morning, and the cup of coffee Corrie brought me, because I asked if she would. A sunny day and the start of this year’s Teva tan.

I especially love the sentiment in Lauren’s totally perfect gift … “to even greater heights!” I’m *so* looking forward to this next year of my life. Bring it, #38!

Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens

You know what they say about the best laid intentions … {sigh} … today did NOT go as I had planned. But even so, it was a *great* day.

Even though it was derailed, well nearly from the beginning, as it unfolded, I decided to just roll with it. It may be cliche, but attitude really is everything. So, in spite of not accomplishing what I had thought I wanted to, turns out I couldn’t have planned it better. What happened that I couldn’t script was a day brimming with wonderful, from-the-bottom-of-the-gut-makes-your-cheeks-hurt giggling. Oh, and several new inside jokes with colleagues. These are a few of my favorite things.

Here are a few more:






There are so many things worthy of mention on this, Thanksgiving Day.

Yet when I look out the window and see sunlit blue sky on a crisp, autumn day, it occurs to me the simple things are really the most important:
– Family that loves me without condition
– Close friends that support me, no matter the situation
– Four-leggeds that remind me there is joy and adventure in the most mundane tasks (even
taking out the trash)

I am thankful for God’s provision and blessings. My cup truly runneth over.