Rear view to the future

I participated in a MasterMind group in late 2009; the focus was productivity. At the time, I thought, “Wow. This is good stuff.” Our coach gave us practical strategies, and useful tips. She didn’t try to change our behavior(s), but instead had this way of asking [mostly] gentle questions that challenged our assumptions about why we function the way we do. I learned some things about myself that I already knew, but had forgotten. 

And I learned some things I didn’t know. Now, nearly two years out, I’ve seen my productivity—or more accurately, how I discipline myself—increase. On reflection, I think my biggest take-away was that I gave myself permission to operate in just
one “life” and not try to maintain a work life and a private life. It’s all inter-connected.

One of the activities our awesome and fantastic coach (Tara Rodden Robinson) gave us was the VIA Survey at The outcome of the survey is a list of your top 25 Character Strengths. Here’s my top 5:

1. Gratitude
You are aware of the good things that happen to you, and you never take them for granted. Your friends and family members know that you are a grateful person because you always take the time to express your thanks.
2. Spirituality, sense of purpose, and faith
You have strong and coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe. You know where you fit in the larger scheme. Your beliefs shape your actions and are a source of comfort to you.

3. Curiosity and interest in the world
You are curious about everything. You are always asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You like exploration and discovery.

4. Humor and playfulness
You like to laugh and tease. Bringing smiles to other people is important to you. You try to see the light side of all situations.

5. Appreciation of beauty and excellence
You notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience.

I’ve taken it again—to see if anything has shifted in two years—and find my top 5 are consistent.

Sometimes it’s been in fits and starts, but I’ve found ways to incorporate more of each into every day. I’ve made an effort to tell more people more frequently when I appreciate something they do—and celebrate what they bring to my life (Gators to you, Conroy). I’ve grown in my faith; that affects the lens through which I view and interact with life in a positive way. I said “out loud” that I wanted to see more _____ (art, theatre, sunrises, random trips to nowhere), and my friends have obliged by helping me fill my social calendar. I’ve explored more and taken up new hobbies. I’ve laughed more. A lot more. I’ve stacked my “inner sanctum” with brilliant people who are smarter than me—makes me bring my “A” game.The relevance here is that I’ve been spending some quality time working through the strategic planning process at work. This week has been about updating progress on goals from last year as the foundation for setting next year’s goals. Since it’s all one life … it makes sense that I start doing that in the rest of my life, too. So, here’s part of my rear-view on last year(s) as I look forward to the opportunities of next year.

VIA Survey of Character Strengths


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