Now that Hay Season 2015 is successfully mowed down, I can turn my attention to other things on my list. In this context, I don’t mean the rest of the always-populated list of #farmchores.
No, I mean a list of a different sort. My 101 Bucket: 101 Things To Do in 1,001 Days. Because if there’s no deadline, there’s no pressure to prioritize, and take action. “Someday” isn’t, in turns out, a specific enough descriptor that actually gets things done. (The count down timer’s set for Christmas 2017. I’m over a year in and due to update the list. Stay tuned.)
Anyway, I digress. Number 68 is to add a quote per week to my quote book for two months (or, eight weeks).
This one is just too perfect a segway from the Adventures in Haying series to pass up:
What quotable resonates with you this week?