Photo Journal 4/10: shopping


Buy oil for the lawn tractors.  

Photo Journal 4/9: tulips

What a glorious day. Simply lovely. I played hookey from work. All right, I took the day off. I took the day off and took myself on my annual outing to the Wooden Shoe tulip fields. 

I got to the fields early. It’s best to get there early, or you’ll have to share all your pictures with people. I mean…all your pics will have people in the.  

The mountain was out. SQWEEEEE!!!


April 9

Tulips, sunshine. A truly restorative day. 

Photo Journal 4/8: that sky

I’m a big fan of the sky. Look outside and there might be poofy clouds floating by. Look again in five minutes and there could be rain bucketing. 

Then again, the rainbow after the storm before.   

And later, a brilliant sunset. 



April 8

Dave’s BBQ chicken & MOTO  laughter. 

Photo Journal 4/7: dogs gotta run

The Hairy Beasts love to run. Love. L.O.V.E. It’s a morning tradition. I get home from the pool, add a layer and we’re off. 


Hurry up. Let’s go

 Srsly. Dog’s gotta run. 


Are you coming?!? Woo hoo, we’re going running!!


#hairybeasts have places to go, things to do. 


Like talking to cows. 

I’ve yet to understand why #babybeast is so fascinated by the neighbors bovines, but there it is. Every morning, if they haven’t left for their barn yet, we have to go talk to cows. 


April 7

Happy #hairybeasts. Project progress. Productive day. 

Photo Journal 4/6: meeting musts


 More productive meetings happen over frickles.