2015 Spray Paint Project

You know, they look at you funny when you admit one of your happy places is the spray paint aisle. I didn’t realize this until I said it out loud to a friend and got promptly and soundly admonished.

But it’s true. I’m a big fan of the spray paint. All the impact of a can of paint, minus a great deal of the mess and nearly all of the commitment. If you paint something and decide you don’t like it, you’re out $4 at the most.

It’s a tough choice, Krylon or Rustoleum. Depends on what’s being painted. At what angle. Or in some cases, what color you want. Bi-Mart and K-Mart have a slightly different selection than does Walmart. In case you were wondering.



April 20

2015 Spray Paint Project. Woo hoo!

Chips part 2

This morning I felt like I should’ve finished all.the.chips. yesterday. Nothing like a little stiffness the morning after the chores the day before. But, the chips are done. Whew. Next yard project: spray paint all the things 🙂 maybe next weekend. 


After chips, the spraying. Managed to fix the spray unit yesterday. Oh, PS– the spare parts “wall” at Wilco is a more intimidating, if you don’t know the part number. But I managed to get all the right pieces. Unit fixed and operational for the season. Today,  8 trips of 25 gallons worth and all.the.weeds. should die. 


….and chores are done. Yippee. Celebrated with the #hairybeasts by taking them down to the creek for a swim. Off to ride–the first of the season. SQWEE!! 




April 19

Chores, swimming, blue sky, MOTO. SQWEE! 

Chips Part 1

The first hot, dry weekend means the annual getting of the chips and putting down of the chips. 


The Hairy Beasts love farm chores. And helping. 


Baby Beast was pretty pleased with her jumping (Beastlet hadda be boosted) and she jumped up into the bed every time I went back for another load.


Because helping is hard work. 



April 18

Chips chips chips. All the chips. 

Bookends revisited


This. Clear, bright brisk mornings when fog hovers daintily just above the grass, like a hummingbird before a sweet flower. All things new. A perfect way to start a birthday day. A great beginning to a new year. 

That. A glowing, fiery sunset slowly surrendering to rest like a drowsy child afraid of missing out on any excitement. A fitting toast to a day filled with many good things. 


The other thing. Warm. Cheerful. Peaceful. Soothing. Exactly perfect. 



April 17, 2015

Birthday wishes. The Point.  More cake 🙂

Because cake



April 16

Birthday cake a day early. Woohoo!