Mid-season report card

As July winds to a close, I think a mid-season report card is in order.

So far, summer has more than answered:
– took my first vacation since spring break 2010
– cut raked, baled, and sold this season’s 20 ton of hay
– explored Mt. Rainier on a four-day MOTO trailer trip
– spray painted stuff … a l.o.t. of stuff
– deepened my 6-year old Teva tan; it’s become part of my personal brand
– used all the major power equipment at least once so far: weed eater, pressure washer, chain saw

Even better, there’s still summer left to squeeze out of August and squeal over. Woo hoo!!
– greeting a warm, sleepy morning serving on a hot air balloon ground crew
– anticipating the prospect of a second MOTO trailer trip … to the redwoods {quiver}
– completing several substantial projects around the farm
– finding more things to spray paint
– allowing, willingly, pitiful dog eyes to coerce me into napping more often than is productive
– breathing deeply the nostalgic smell of sweet August rain on steamy hot pavement

As I plink this out, I’m enjoying another summer favorite–one that marks another season milestone–the tika, tika, tika, tika, tika of sprinklers gently carried on a warm summer breeze through my open bedroom window.

Go, summer.

Mmm, beefy

I passed out for nearly four delicious hours this afternoon. I do so adore a meaty nap.


Chance of scattered showers

It’s definitely not helpful for getting the hay cut, baled, and put up. But it’s gorgeous, nonetheless.


Under pressure…

Every summer weekend brings with it a l.o.n.g. list of chores. Daylight’s burning and all that. Some I’m not overly fond of (crawling around under the house, for one). Others I don’t mind.

Some, I utterly adore. Like pressure washing. There’s just something so satisfying about seeing what you’ve accomplished, even while you’re still in the middle of it.



If this kind of love is wrong, well, I’m okay with that 🙂


This has been a pretty phenomenal week.

I’ve been uber productive. I had a surprise visit from a good friend I don’t see nearly enough of. There was some sunshine. Had a GREAT family night; complete with good dinner and movie quotables. Today, I am capping it off by working from home.

There is just something about not being in the office–being in your own space, surrounded by the stuff you love best–that seems to super-charge my focus. Maybe it’s because I don’t have meetings scheduled, and so I have the luxury of working on projects that take a larger chunk of protected time. As much as I like sitting here in my sweats and slippers, I’m not sure I could work from home on a more permanent basis, though. I know my limitations: I get distracted by shinies, the sun beckoning me to sit outside, the clouds lazily floating past the window, the noisy little birds sqwuaking for more sunflower seeds, or {shudder} chores. But on the infrequent occasion I do work from home, I’m able to get a lot done.

Farm Dog is pretty excited about me being home today, too. He likes simply being “with.” So much so that as I plunk this out he’s snoring.

I can hear the other Hairy Beast snoring out in the hallway. She’s stationed there to make sure there’s no way I can sneak down the hall for lunch without her knowing about it.

Speaking of, it’s time to grab some grub and get back to it. Two more projects to complete before I call it a day.